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Common questions about torrenting
What does X term mean?

Check out our torrent glossary, you should find all important terms there.

What torrent client should I use?
Can I stream torrent files?

You can stream torrent files (by downloading the files sequentially).


Animetail & Dantotsu can stream torrents from various sources including Nyaa.si. For that, install the Torrentio extension. You can customize good amount of things in extension settings.


There are a few listed in software page. Miru is the most feature-rich one. You can also qBittorrent, TorrServer & WebTorrent. You can read the info tab below the software list for How-to.

Why is my torrent not downloading?

There are a few possible causes: the torrent currently has 0 seeders, it has 1 seeder with a bad/limited connection, or you have bad peering (which could be fixed by using a seedbox or VPN). In the case of 0 or bad seeders, you will have to wait for a new seeder to join, or check if a debrid service has the torrent cached.

What is seedbox & debrid service?


A seedbox is a remote service that can download (leech) & upload (seed) from p2p networks. Since it's always online, it keeps the torrents alive, thus helping you keep a high ratio in PTs. Examples: Ultra.cc, RapidSeedbox & Pulsed Media.


Like a seedbox, it's also a remote service. It can download from p2p and various host sites (e.g. MEGA, RapidGator). One of the big differences is that they (generally) don't seed p2p files and keep the downloaded files cached on their servers, meaning you can download currently dead torrents that have already been cached in the past. Example: AllDebrid & Debrid-Link.

What does a VPN do?

Watch Tom Scott's video for an honest explanation.

Do I need VPN while torrenting?

The distribution (here seeding / uploading) of pirated content is illegal. In peer-to-peer (P2P) connections such as torrenting, it exposes your IP to everyone connected. So, it's advisable to use a VPN which will mask your IP. But if your country / ISP doesn't care about pirating stuff, you can skip VPN. To know whether your country / ISP cares about it, ask in your local forum.

What VPN should I use? Free or Paid?

Paid. Check our VPN section.